The January Edit

🥂 Happy New Year! 🥂
Goodbye 2024, and hello 2025…
We truly hope you all managed to have a relaxing festive break, and recharge those batteries ready for the new year ahead. We’re feeling well rested and ready to take on whatever January, and this year, has in store for us.
With lots of plans and ideas whirling around in our heads, we will absolutely be putting pen to paper this January and jotting everything down! We are SO excited for what’s to come this year and can’t wait to bring you along for the ride.
Discover the recipes we've been loving this month…
This month we're eating a comforting Sweet Potato Soup . January is soup season for us. Warming, delicious and healthy - what more could you need?!
This month we’re drinking this Warming Winter Smoothie to add a burst of nutrients back into our system!
The month of planning, buying and all things self-care…
January is all about planning for the year ahead at SELF. Goals and deadlines we’d like to meet, fun events we’d love to host, and seasonal products to buy and fill our stores with. It’s all go go go!
We’ll be attending Top Drawer in London this January to meet with fantastic new and existing suppliers, who we always love to catch up with and meet in person.
We always buy with you, our wonderfully loyal customers, in mind to ensure we’re providing you with gifts and products we know you’ll love.
Those holy grail products you don’t want to put down and key pieces you will wear over and over again.
We also strive to include as much self-care into our January as possible because, even though we like to get cracking, it’s still important to take a moment to relax and indulge in some self-care so we don’t burn out in the first month of the year!
Wishing you all a lovely positive start to the year, and please don’t forget to prioritise you this January.
Lots of love,
Suzie & the SELF team X