Article: Easy Self-Care with Suzy Reading

Easy Self-Care with Suzy Reading
Today is Self-Care Day and to celebrate a day that is very close to our hearts, we want to eliminate the misconception that self-care equals spending a lot of time on yourself.
We really want to encourage you to add a little self-care to your every day in the easiest and simplest ways possible, so that you can put your best foot forward.
We've invited the fabulous Suzy Reading to share her top 3 easy self-care tips with us, so pop your feet up, grab a cuppa and take 5…

"We all nod our heads in agreement on the importance of self-care but it's still often the first thing to get bumped when life gets busy..."
We all nod our heads in agreement on the importance of self-care but it's still often the first thing to get bumped when life gets busy… and here we are in the summer squeeze.
While there are some nourishing practices that do require an investment of time, remember, there are also a plethora of ways we can refresh and recharge in no time.
3 Ways to Fill Your Cup in No Extra Time:
Work with your breath.
You're breathing anyway but HOW you breathe changes how you feel. Try a cooling candle breath: breathe in through your nose and exhale through pursed lips as if you're gently cooling a cuppa. Just one or two of these can soothe your nervous system.
2. Use movement to shift your mood.
Movement has a potent antidepressant effect and the quickest way to change your thinking is to move your body. Nothing fancy required. Pair movement and breath for an even more potent mood and energy boosting effect with chicken wing shoulder rolls. Place your fingertips on your shoulders and as you breathe in, sweep your elbows up and as you breathe out, take them back and down. 6 of these and we feel lighter and brighter.

3. Kind words and kind touch.
Get oxytocin, the feel good hormone, circulating with this ritual. Cradle your chin in your hands and extend a little tenderness towards yourself. Take a few moments to acknowledge how you feel and consider what you might need to feel refreshed? Try a mantra like, I soften into this moment. Or I am deserving of the same kindness I generously give others.
"In moments of challenge remember, you have the breath, movement, touch and all the kinds words to turn to."
Nourish yourself and feel how this resources you to keep giving and keep going - and watch how this benefits everyone your life touches.
Happy Self-Care Day everyone and thank you so much Suzy for such positive, helpful and uplifting words.
You can find Suzy on Instagram here and purchase her wonderful ‘Self-Care for Tough Times’ book below.
Sending lots of love to you all, Suzie and the SELF team. X